
Everywhere and Every way.

I both like and dislike thinking.

I am a kid trapped in a 31 year old’s body with a brain of a 60 year old coming to terms with his existence. I like long walks because it either stops or facilitates my thoughts. I think both the best and worst things, but reserve judgement until I’ve understood its entirety. My thoughts are truant but true.

I’m a doctor working in a far-flung beach province, Siargao Island, and now holder of Masters degrees in public health, business administration and a certificate in public management. I often like to think up witty stuff and I regrettably believe that most people don’t think the way I do. I am a die hard, living, breathing hopeless romantic who believes that love will conquer all. I study and research the rules only to end up hating them and never wanting to play by them. Thanks for wandering with me.

  • Limitless

    Of the same name, a movie and a TV series reinforce people’s desire to “unlock” things and to “access” previously limited areas in general. Like a palpable desire to taste whatever object as a kid, or to explore previously unknown areas of the world, we want to unlock the secrets of the human brain and…

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  • As much as a third of my trips are spent in planes, trains and buses. It, of course is a matter of intent, since to get somewhere, you have to travel via something. On that account, most introspection and appreciation, I believe, is done in those moments of ‘peace’ and ‘boredom’. The excitement of seeing…

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  • Stuff I Believe In

    I believe in putting it out there to declare what I believe in

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About Me

Just a frustrated writer and rhymer. Level 32 human being fond of talking about mundane things and existential philosophy. I work as a physician by the beach, and yes, I champion public health.