
Everywhere and Every way.

Stuff I Believe In

I believe in a concept of God and that relationships with God and others matter more.

I believe there is a “right” and a “wrong” but that it isn’t the same for all instances and for all means.

I believe in world peace and the song where it says that it starts within.

I believe in friendship but that it isn’t about how much alcohol you drink but rather the nature of your co-existence.

I believe in LIFE and how it is most sacred and above all should be preserved.

I believe in a life worth living and that there isn’t such a thing as a life to regret.

I believe we won’t know true happiness until that moment where your life flashes before your eyes or when we are judged by St. Peter, or the judges of the underworld or by Osiris when he places your heart on a scale and we know what our lives become truly worth.

I believe, rather, I desire a life everlasting or at least until I know what life means.

I believe in people, despite their actions, owing to the fact that I think how society and industries work; by forcing people to speed their decisions and comprehensions leading to ill-informed and sometimes subjectively erroneous decisions.

I believe in destiny and the human condition, that some things are meant to be, but if they “aren’t” it doesn’t mean that all hope is lost.

I believe in perspective and acknowledge its influence, but I’d rather think that everyone is close minded, and that we could use more humility and less self-importance in our thoughts.

I believe in truth, and its utter un-reality, since all we have are perspectives and opinions that we should accept and not try to force other people to have.

I believe in peace-of-mind and would not function properly otherwise.

I believe in forgiveness and the difficult truth that is change.

I believe in “the one” and that you can find him/her multiple times, just by truly loving.

I believe in love and true love for that matter, and that though it would make people crazy, its the kind of crazy that matters.

and.. I believe in the truth of my beliefs, until proven otherwise.

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About Me

Just a frustrated writer and rhymer. Level 32 human being fond of talking about mundane things and existential philosophy. I work as a physician by the beach, and yes, I champion public health.