
Everywhere and Every way.

I both like and dislike thinking.

I am a kid trapped in a 31 year old’s body with a brain of a 60 year old coming to terms with his existence. I like long walks because it either stops or facilitates my thoughts. I think both the best and worst things, but reserve judgement until I’ve understood its entirety. My thoughts are truant but true.

I’m a doctor working in a far-flung beach province, Siargao Island, and now holder of Masters degrees in public health, business administration and a certificate in public management. I often like to think up witty stuff and I regrettably believe that most people don’t think the way I do. I am a die hard, living, breathing hopeless romantic who believes that love will conquer all. I study and research the rules only to end up hating them and never wanting to play by them. Thanks for wandering with me.

  • Superpower

    Some people have great strength, matching rock hard abs, and a great desire to save. They carry you to greater heights. Some people have great intellect, a deep understanding of you, and a capacity to solve, any and all of your problems. Some people ignite the fires, of your heart and your soul. Burn the…

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  • Noetic Notions

    The end goal of human existence is to come in to terms with a “reason for existence”. Most people value it as “finding” a reason for existence, even more people trying to “embody” that reason and live it out to its full potential. I mean the phrase “come to terms with” as I believe that…

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  • Braving the heat of the sun, I decided to take a swim in the middle of the afternoon. I have been for the past 2 weeks, just that last week, most days brought rain and not a lot of sun. I initially thought that it was ought of self-respect and a desire to lose these pounds…

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  • I Believe in Love

    Complete turnaround of emotions. I am slowly confirming the theory that I am bipolar. A sudden manic appreciation of the mystery of love: I realized that I wouldn’t have been so broken up about it if I hadn’t been so deeply in love. Not that garden variety love that you see in real life. The…

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  • Everydays

    They told me it would take an abundance of everydays to get over you. An abundance, quite literally, is “a very large quantity of something”. An abundance of water is around 25 glasses per day, and even then some people would just pee a lot. An abundance of mice, in my subjective opinion, is one…

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  • The Favorite. part 2

    “Menudo. My favorite food is Menudo.” Nat Baylon’s neighbor Karl said aloud as if to underline his existence. He was reading stupid magazine articles again. Although, that being said, she was glad that they were about his favorite things and not about sex like they usually are nowadays. “So she has to like comics, Youtube…

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  • The Favorite. part 1

    “Menudo. My favorite food is Menudo.” said Karl out loud, in response to a Cosmo magazine article asking him what his favorite things were. It also said that his most likely partner was someone who liked the same things he did. “So she has to like comics, Youtube cat videos and the incredible pursuit of…

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  • Here we go again. The talk and the corresponding musing pertaining to that “one”, A few months into writing to myself regarding deciding and “putting things into perspective”, the reality that love is a two way street skitters around my consciousness as a cat does when its in need of food. Its just as if…

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  • Destiny

    A series of ticks and tocks, Life is a countdown. Riding in our boat of clocks, In the flow of time we drown. As we weave our way through We meet others slowly drifting Carrying their baggage somehow somber and uplifting The decay of time slows When we find that one person We are puzzles,…

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  • Shoutout

    There was this mountain at the edge of a city that stared into the horizon as if waiting for the sun to come. It wasn’t terribly high, this mountain, nor was it long or unbelievably cold. It wasn’t very dry, or green or even tropical. It didn’t have mountain goats, or caves where bears would…

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About Me

Just a frustrated writer and rhymer. Level 32 human being fond of talking about mundane things and existential philosophy. I work as a physician by the beach, and yes, I champion public health.